The Triumvirate Marine Corps’ Squad Patrol Vehicle, or SPV, is used as a force multiplier and light ground transport for Marines on frontier worlds along the galaxy’s trade routes. It is a widely used vehicle throughout the Triumvirate Army, being the primary means of patrol and reconnaissance for their forces.
The SPV is a hover vehicle, propelled by anti-gravity drives mounted beneath it. It possesses a high degree of maneuverability, and has a top speed of 240 miles per hour, allowing it to easily evade hostile forces when outmatched. While it is armored against small arms fire, heavy weapons pose a major threat to the SPV and its occupants. In terms of armament, it has a single remote operated medium ion beam turret mounted on the roof for anti-infantry fire. It can carry up to six Marines, including the driver and gunner.
SPVs are reliable and cheap vehicles, capable of acting as small troop transports, recon and patrol vehicles, and combat support platforms. They have proven their utility many times out in the less civilized parts of the galaxy, an important tool of Triumvirate ground forces.