The Havenship is the largest vessel in the galaxy, and the ultimate tool of both the Collective’s humanitarian and interventionist efforts. Capable of sheltering millions of refugees, this enormous ship is a welcome sight to planets beset by any sort of catastrophe.
A saucer-shaped vessel measuring 31 kilometers across, the Havenship is essentially a mobile city. With housing and food storage set up for sustaining passengers in transit, it can provide a temporary home for people displaced from their worlds by war or natural disaster.
Of course, the rai are more than prepared to protect such precious cargo; the Havenship is extremely heavily armed, packing 50 singularity cannons and 300 capital-scale magstream cannons for use against enemy capital ships. For anti-starfighter defense, it has 800 electron cannon turrets and 600 photon interceptor turrets. It has over 100 different launch bays, which can store up to 2,000 DFX Escort Fighters and IFX Interceptors, and even has several docks for servicing escorting capital ships.
Sheathed in four meters of carbon ceramic composite armor, the Havenship is practically indestructible, requiring monumental amounts of firepower to damage. On top of that, the entire vessel is protected by a theater-grade conversion shield array, offering it further protection. Of course, such a massive ship is incredibly slow at sublight speeds, with a maximum acceleration of just 2 G’s. However, it is equipped with a highly advanced slip drive, which opens up a portal into an alternate dimension, allowing the vessel to traverse the galaxy far above lightspeed.
Though these vessels are rare, they are nonetheless a well-known reminder of the massive power that the Rai Collective wields in the galaxy.