Unlike most other stealth craft, the Blacklight is designed from the ground up for heavy combat. Built as a dedicated space superiority fighter, this agile starfighter is an excellent blend of power and speed, allowing it to compete with more heavily armed and armored craft in a one-on-one situation.
The Blacklight has powerful jamming suites, hiding it from thermal, gravitic, density, and LADAR sensors. In addition, it has passive bafflers that help reduce its signature on most other types of sensors, allowing it to remain hidden unless someone is actively searching for it. These stealth capabilities are extremely helpful in combat, preventing enemy pilots from achieving lock and allowing the Blacklight to evade most of an enemy’s fire.
In terms of armament, it carries two forward light proton bolt cannons as its primary weapons, and a secondary ion beam turret for longer ranged combat. It has moderate armor plating, but lacks energy shields, as they would light up the fighter’s signature on enemy scanners.
The Blacklight has a maximum acceleration of 611 G’s, and has moderate agility as a dogfighter. Its turret grants it a major advantage, allowing it to neutralize enemy craft tailing it that other fighters would be unable to do anything about.
Blacklights are used as patrol craft, escorts, and scouts, fulfilling a variety of duties in the Triumvirate’s naval forces. Their utility, as well as their effectiveness, ensure their continued service in the military for many years to come.